Group activities

"Our shared future is dependent on nurturing the wellbeing of each other and the planet; our resilience determined by the strength of our bonds."
MCC has developed an experiential learning activity exploring collective climate actions rooted in collaboration. The activity works best for groups of 15-40 people and can be completed in a 1-hour or 90-minute timeframe. Tailoring options for different age groups are also available.
Throughout the activity, groups explore actions individuals and communities can take to survive extreme weather events, lessen the impacts of climate change, and build communities where all are cared for and treated justly. Participants assemble in small groups to respond to a series of extreme weather events, consider their leverage points, reflect on the significance of collaboration, and explore various types of climate action. Overall, this activity guides participants to recognize that our potential to address the climate emergency is tied to our ability to collaborate with others and to use a variety of climate actions.
Invite MCC to facilitate this activity in your community.
This 15-minute film follows two community leaders who hold a powerful vision of finding solutions to problems that involve both climate change and gender inequity in Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe. Tariro Cynthia Mutsindikwa, an engineer, and Caroline Pugeni, a project manager, are working together to empower women with clean energy equipment and knowledge – one fuel-efficient stove at a time.
Invite MCC to facilitate a film screening and lead a discussion in your community.

MCC’s National Peace & Justice Ministries assembled worship resources to help your congregation reflect on climate change and our role in taking climate action to build a more peaceful world. You will find reflections, prayers, readings, scripture verses and song selections to help you plan a service that will inspire you to think about God’s creation and how we can work for a better climate future for all. You can download the resources below.

To encourage dialogue on climate change, For the Love of Creation, a Canadian faith-based climate justice initiative supported by MCC Canada, developed Faithful Climate Conversations, a series of guides to facilitate small group conversations on climate change. Visit for resources available in French.
There are three guides available:
Creation, Climate and You
Designed for people who have rarely, if ever, talked about climate change in a group setting before, this guide focuses on gently surfacing peoples’ emotions and underlying thoughts about climate change.
From Concern to Action
For people who may have a basic understanding of climate change or are concerned about the effects of climate change, but remain uncertain about the best ways to act in light of this reality.
Build a Better Future
Meant for people who have already been involved in climate action at some level, this guide focuses on enacting political and systemic change to address the climate emergency.