MCC media contacts

For national or international press inquiries, please contact:

MCC U.S. news coordinator
(717) 859-1151 x60281

MCC Canada media coordinator
(844) 732-2346

For provincial or regional press inquiries, please specify your location and we’ll connect you with the right media contact in your area. 

Quick facts about MCC

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a Christian nonprofit charitable organization that works for relief, development and peace in more than 40 countries.

Relief: Meeting people’s immediate needs during times of crisis, such as a hurricane or war, and working toward disaster prevention and mitigation.

Development: Strengthening people’s access to education and sustainable food, water, health and livelihoods.

Peace: Teaching peacebuilding and conflict resolutions skills and advocating for justice.

A worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, MCC shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.

More than 1,000 workers are carrying out our mission, based in Canada, the U.S. and internationally. Overseas, MCC works in partnership with churches and communities, as well as faith-based and civil society organizations. Every year more than 100 young adults from around the world leave their homes to serve in another country through MCC’s Global Service Learning programs.

MCC's financial support comes from a wide variety of generous individuals, family foundations and congregations who identify with the mission and values of MCC. We are also grateful for a variety of other grants, including government grants, that we receive in Canada and the U.S.

MCC Thrift shops and relief sales supply about 20 percent of MCC’s annual budget. Many supporters can meat and donate comforters and kits full of supplies, to be sent to people in the midst of crisis.

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MCC Canada and MCC U.S. jointly operate MCC’s international program. Individually, they are responsible for domestic programming and fundraising in each country. The MCC Canada national office is in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The MCC U.S. office is in Akron, Pennsylvania. Staff members also are located in provincial and regional offices throughout Canada and the U.S.

More about MCC Canada

More about MCC U.S.

MCC engages in advocacy work with the U.S. government, the Canadian government and the United Nations regarding peace and justice issues in countries where we work. 

More about MCC advocacy

MCC was formed when representatives of various Mennonite conferences met July 27-28, 1920, in Elkhart, Ind., and pledged to aid hungry people, including Mennonites, in southern Russia (present-day Ukraine). 

More about our history

Mennonites and Brethren in Christ trace the origin of their denominations to the Anabaptist movement in 16th-century Europe. At the heart of the Anabaptist faith is following Jesus in daily living, the importance of Scripture, adult baptism and a commitment to peace and reconciliation.

Please use MCC workers, not missionaries, to refer to people who serve with MCC in countries outside Canada and the U.S.

Please use Mennonite Central Committee, not “the Mennonite Central Committee”

Mennonite Central Committee: Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ

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