Education impact report - Winter 2025
An update on MCC education projects

A strong start in Ethiopia
You are creating new opportunities for vulnerable children to learn, grow and connect

In Ethiopia, children from the poorest households are four times more likely to be out of school than those from the wealthiest families. With the generous support of donors like you, MCC partner, Remember the Poorest Community (RPC), has helped 276 children attend preschool over the past three years.
This support has been focused on orphans and vulnerable children who face significant financial and social barriers to accessing preschool education, providing them with the education materials they need to thrive in school.
Here’s an overview of the difference you made in the lives of these children:
- 275 children (137 boys and 139 girls) received
education materials to improve literacy and
- 270 students passed successfully from first to
second semester.
- 62 students (35 boys and 27 girls) experienced
improved food security and nutrition at home.
Their caregivers participated in a loan program
specifically geared toward enhancing their
families’ income-generating activities.
A haven of safety and connection
In Bolivia, you’re providing a stable community for children at risk

In the heart of Cochabamba, Bolivia, there is a safe haven for children facing significant challenges. Some have an incarcerated parent. Others have parents who work as street vendors and are out late into the evening trying to make a living.
For all 175 children at Casa de la Amistad & Jireh daycares, a welcoming place to go to after school helps keep them safe.
Because of your compassionate support, these two daycares, run by MCC partner, Baptist Organization of Social Development (OBADES), are thriving. Every day, staff provide thoughtful care and vital services to some of Cochabamba’s most vulnerable children and youth.
Here's how you championed these children this past year:
Five days a week, 128 children ate lunch and snacks and received after-school academic support.
114 children had access to a medical check up and 26 children received dental care.
Seven teenagers participated in vocational training.
128 children participated in a hygiene workshop where they learned how to brush their teeth and wash their faces and hands.