Canadian Foodgrains Bank Impact Report - Winter 2024
An update on Canadian Foodgrains Bank Projects

Beating the odds thanks to you
Climate adaptive agriculture is taking root in Cambodia

For Mok Samoun*, the odds were against her becoming a successful farmer.
First, she's a woman cracking into a realm traditionally owned by men in her community. She's a widow with few resources. And climate change is thwarting traditional farming techniques resulting in low yields.
However, with your generous support, Samoun is beating the odds.
Over the last two years, she has learned how to use a climate change adaptive cyclical model of farming from our partner organization, Organization to Develop our Villages (ODOV). This includes the construction of a drought and flood resilient fish pond that provides water for vegetable gardening and chickens during the dry season.
Samoun, alongside farmers from her community, also learned about climate-friendly irrigation techniques, effective composting practices, and gender equity — specifically in the traditionally male-dominated world of agriculture.
Thanks to your help, over 12,000 people from 90 villages like Samoun's have engaged in ODOV's agriculture training and gender sensitivity programs. This has resulted in improved food security, better livelihoods and improvements in gender equity across the region with more women participating in farming activities.
*In Cambodia, names are written with the family name first.
A legacy of generosity

Jonathan and Liana Toews, from Altona, Man., have supported the work of MCC for many years. Recently, they decided to leave MCC a legacy gift in their will on top of their already generous active support.
Learn more about how you can leave MCC a gift in your will here.
We hope that the wealth we have accumulated can contribute to a better world in some way, to be part of something bigger than us because life itself is a gift. We know that this decision looks different for everyone, but for us, we are happy to leave a gift for MCC in our will.
Jonathan and Liana Toews