Host a speaker in Alberta
Help your community expand its understanding of issues related to relief, development and peace.
Help your community expand its understanding of issues related to relief, development and peace.
Below you'll find a list of staff who are available to speak in locations around the province. If you're not sure who would best fit your needs, contact us at or 403-275-6935.
Book a speaker using the form at the bottom of this webpage.

Ryan Siemens
Executive Director, MCC Alberta
For the last three years, Ryan has served as the Executive Director of MCC Alberta. Prior to MCCA, Ryan served seven years as Executive Minister of Mennonite Church Saskatchewan and for nine years as pastor of Grace Mennonite Church in Prince Albert, SK. Ryan is passionate about seeing the work of MCC extend from the life of the church community and enjoys connecting with local congregations. When he’s not out visiting a church or Thrift Store, or working with the MCCA Leadership Team, he can be found riding his motorcycle somewhere in Alberta!
Education: Master of Divinity (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary), a Bachelor of Arts in Conflict Transformation Studies (Canadian Mennonite University), and a Bachelor of Theology (Canadian Mennonite Bible College).
Topics: Anabaptist Theology & History, Connecting MCC to the work of the Church, Leadership, Reconciliation, MCC Programming, Reserve 107

Alex Heidebrecht
Communications and Development Director, MCC Alberta
Alex has been involved with MCC both as an employee and as a volunteer over the years. In 2011/12 he served in Cambodia as a SALT participant teaching English and working as a business advisor to MCC partner organizations. Alex has seen first-hand the importance of working with local partners, and having them be the driving force behind the international work that we engage in.
Education: Bachelor Business and Entrepreneurship from Mount Royal University, Post degree certificate in food security Toronto Metropolitan University
Topics: SALT, international programming, grow hope, food security

Jose-Luis Moraga-Diaz
Program Director, MCC Alberta
José Luis Moraga has been the MCC Alberta Program Director since November 21, 2022. He is a dedicated, lifelong learner and a people-oriented individual. His passions lie at the intersection of biblical studies, holistic spirituality, peace and justice, and the transformative hands-on work of the church in helping those in need. José Luis served six years as the Pastor of Discipleship at Springfield Heights Mennonite Church before joining MCCA. José Luis has also served as a Church Planter Intern, gaining valuable experience with Indigenous Peoples in North End Winnipeg. As Program Director, he oversees diverse initiatives, including reconciliation efforts with Indigenous communities, refugee resettlement, and community engagement. José Luis also developed learning experiences on Welcoming the Stranger and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
Education: Master of Theological Studies from Canadian Mennonite University (2015) and Nonprofit Management Certificate from Simon Fraser University (2024).
Topics: Theology, Spirituality, Reconciliation, Church partnerships, Development and Peacebuilding.

Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
Church Engagement Coordinator
Donita's favourite part of her role is working with and for people who care about others and live out their faith in practical, loving ways. Before coming to MCC, Donita had been a pastor, a chaplain, a camp director at Camp Valaqua, a provincial youth minister, and a pastor again at First Mennonite Church in Edmonton. She was also the Alberta Correspondent for the Canadian Mennonite Magazine from 1999 to 2018.
Education: Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Theology, and a Master of Divinity
Topics: MCC Storytelling from personal experience on MCC learning tours to Israel-Palestine, South Sudan, and Rwanda, as well as from other MCC sources. Grow Hope and peace-building as a thread through everything MCC does are topics Donita is particularly keen to share. Preaching with an emphasis on understanding scripture and practical application. Donita enjoys writing children’s stories to illustrate sermons.

Rebecca Schnell
Community Engagement Coordinator
Rebecca joined the MCC Alberta in the summer of 2023. Her role focuses on engagement with youth and young adults in schools, youth groups, universities and community groups. Prior to working with MCC, Rebecca served for more than 20 years in the evangelical local church, leading large worship arts and children’s ministries. She’s a trained theatre professional who toured as an actor, performing for K-12 audiences across Western Canada and into the US.
Education: BFA Drama for Secondary School, University of Calgary
Topics: Missional living, Peacebuilding and the Arts, Climate Justice, Customized topical devotional talks and reflections for children, youth and young adults in church/school/chapel/community group gatherings that include relief, development and peace building stories and connections.
Workshops: Forced to Flee, Parable, People & Planet, Women will Renew Screening, A Day in the Life at MCCAB, Stranger’s Welcome.

Cindy Colman
Migration and Resettlement Coordinator
Cindy’s interest and passion for welcoming newcomers to Canada began many years ago when as a young adult, she volunteered at her university and in the local community as an EAL tutor. Before joining MCC Alberta in September, 2023 she enjoyed 20 years of teaching and managing language and settlement training programs at the Centre for Newcomers in Calgary. She also taught English and related courses at Anhui Normal University in Wuhu, Anhui Province in the People’s Republic of China (1992-1994).
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies (Culture and Language) from Brock University in Ontario (1990) and her Master of Arts in Intercultural Communications (Teaching English as an Additional Language) from Prairie Graduate School (1999).
Topics: Joys, Challenges, and Impacts of Participating in Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) Program, Welcoming “Strangers” through Canada’s Blended Visa Office Referred (BVOR) Program

Brandon Hiebert
Donor Relations Coordinator
Brandon joined the MCC Alberta team in April 2024 and brings over a decade of experience in non-profit work. As the Donor Relations Coordinator, Brandon works closely with MCC’s partners to help them find projects that align with their values. He also contributes to the business development and sponsorship strategies of MCC AB. He is passionate about guiding people to meet their goals and leveraging data to tell important stories.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies from the University of Calgary. Diploma in Biblical Studies from Bethany College.
Topics: What sets MCC apart, international programming, donor support, sponsorships and partnering with MCC