Education impact report - Winter 2024
An update on MCC education projects

Equipping students to learn

How you're eliminating barriers to education in South Sudan
In South Sudan, there are 2.8 million school-aged children who are not attending school. That's why — with your support — we are investing in three key education projects with our partner Loreto Rumbek. These initiatives help eliminate key barriers to education. When we help children stay in school they can build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.
School supplies for learners
School supplies are not in the budget for many families in South Sudan. With the generous support of MCC donors, over 25,000 school kits filled with pens, pencils, notebooks and more have been distributed to students across the Diocese of Rumbek already. By the end of this three-year project, 75,000 kits of school supplies will be distributed.
Protein-rich food for students
South Sudan is facing one of the worst food insecurity emergencies in the world. Children in South Sudan know a hard truth all too well: you can't learn if you're hungry. MCC donors have helped to get canned turkey onto the plates of 17,787 students at 23 schools this past spring.
Menstrual hygiene supplies for girls
In South Sudan, a girl's period is one of the most significant barriers she will face in continuing her education. Without access to pads, girls will skip school and often drop out. With the support of MCC donors, over 3,000 dignity kits including reusable pads, soap and combs have already been distributed to girls in the Rumbek Diocese.
From South Sudan with love
The two notes below are from students in South Sudan that MCC's compassionate donor community have supported. With your help, students like Deng and Angelina have access to the resources and support they need to learn.
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The first time I received [a dignity kit], I opened it and got a lot of things and they told me they were used for menstruation and I was happy. And then they showed me how to use everything.
Jenipher Bill Mayom
Student, South Sudan
Partner spotlight: Loreto Rumbek
Founded in 2008, Loreto Rumbek is an all-girls secondary school, mixed-gender primary school and Kindergarten and primary health centre in South Sudan. A longstanding partner of MCC in the region, the team at Loreto Rumbek has been critical in distributing your compassionate support to children across the 128 schools in The Diocese of Rumbek.
Education is for everyone
In Lebanon, 400,000 children are out of school. Amidst economic turmoil, children's futures are pitted against their basic needs and families are forced to make hard decisions: do they feed their children or send them to school? Children are often pulled out of school and put to work to help families stay afloat.
With the generous support of people like you, MCC partner Popular Aid for Relief and Development has created access to free preschool and kindergarten for young children in Wadi Zane, Lebanon. Prioritizing children from the most challenging backgrounds, PARD's team champions 109 Kindergarten students who are learning and growing together.
*Actual name is withheld for security purposes.
Partner with us in prayer
Please pray for more classes, big classes. We have a large number of families who want to put their children inside our school.
PARD Educator, Lebanon
A legacy of generosity

Jonathan and Liana Toews, from Altona, Man., have supported the work of MCC for many years. Recently, they decided to leave MCC a legacy gift in their will on top of their already generous active support.
Learn more about how you can leave MCC a gift in your will here.
We hope that the wealth we have accumulated can contribute to a better world in some way, to be part of something bigger than us because life itself is a gift. We know that this decision looks different for everyone, but for us, we are happy to leave a gift for MCC in our will.
Jonathan and Liana Toews