2024 Michael J. Sharp Global Peacemaker Award
Award winner empowers Colombian young people to choose peace in the midst of violence

September 21, 2024
Michael J. Sharp Global Peacemaker Award

Beauty and violence
I believe in education because it also helps a lot to look at life in a different way, to think differently. I have always thought that we are not tied down, nor are we condemned to live under the oppression of armed groups. ... We can make a difference.
Margarita Angulo
2024 Michael J. Sharp Global Peacemaker Award recipient
Opportunities challenge oppression

Walking with the light of peace
A female leader in a male-dominated culture

Following Jesus' way of peace
I am convinced that a constant drop of water can fill the glass. Here we say, ‘A grain for the hen or the chickens because from grain to grain they fill up.’ I believe that consistency allows the results to be seen, and I am very tireless in that part of continuing to work for peace.
Margarita Angulo
2024 Michael J. Sharp Global Peacemaker Award recipient