Growing in Reconciliation

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Gathering

Wednesday, September 25
7:00 - 9:00PM PDT

MCC British Columbia
33933 Gladys Ave
Abbotsford BC V2S 2E8

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A man in glasses smiling

In recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, MCC welcomes you to an evening of reflecting and learning with guest speaker, The Honourable Steven Point, Order of British Columbia award winner (Xwĕ lī qwĕl tĕl). He has served as the 28th Lieutenant Governor of BC, Chancellor for UBC, Chief of the Skowkale First Nation and Tribal Chair of Stó:lō Nation. He practiced both criminal and native law before accepting an appointment as a Provincial Court Judge in 1999. 

This free event will give us the opportunity to learn about what truth and reconciliation means to The Honourable Steven Point, to honour those who were impacted by the residential school system and to work towards growing the relationship between Indigenous and settler communities.


Event Details:

6:45 - Doors open

7:30 - Welcome and opening remarks

7:45 - Keynote speaker Steven Point


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