Background pattern BC Circle of Friends volunteer application Volunteers support individuals making the transition out of homelessness. No special experience or background is required to volunteer, but volunteers should be compassionate, patient, and good listeners. Webform You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Intro blurb After completing training, a volunteer is placed in a group (called a circle) with one participant and other volunteers who meet once a week. Your group will meet for an hour or two to connect meaningfully and engage in fun activities, such as playing cards over coffee or walking in the park. Groups can meet for up to one year. You will also receive ongoing support from the Circle of Friends staff. Once a month all Circle participants and volunteers are invited to get together for a group activity, such as making pizza together. Thank you for your interest in volunteering with MCC BC's Circle of Friends Program. The following information is confidential. This volunteer application is not interchangeable with an employment application. Once you’ve filled out this application, Brett, the Circle of Friends Program Associate, will reach out to plan a time to meet. Contact information Full name Address City Postal code Phone Email I agree that I am at least 19 years old Volunteer opportunities with MCC BC Why do you want to volunteer with MCC BC and what would make volunteering worthwhile? Please confirm you will attend/view an MCC BC Orientation and any required training. As a volunteer, I agree that my name, address, and phone number will be on the MCC BC mailing list for volunteers, so I can receive newsletters or training information. - Seleccionar -YesNo Skills & Experience Please list relevant work or volunteer experience, including organization/company. Specific Skills (check skills you bring) Experience mentoring individuals Interacting positively with individuals on the margin Computer Skills/Data Entry/Admin List other skills you have. List language spoken, written or read (indicate limited, fairly well or fluent knowledge). Volunteer availability To get a general idea of your availability, please check the approximate length of Volunteer Commitment: Occasional or As Needed Short-term Ongoing Not Sure *Circle of Friends volunteers needs to be able to commit for 12 months to volunteering/mentoring. How frequently will you be available? Hours per week: What days are you available to volunteer? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What is your time preference? Morning Afternoon Evening Miscellaneous Information Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? - Seleccionar -YesNo Have you ever been convicted of a criminal charge in Canada or equivalent violation in another country? - Seleccionar -YesNo If yes, please explain. Leave this field blank Give a gift where needed most Every gift makes a difference. Donate $50 Donate $200 Donate $500 Custom donation amount