Who can apply for SALT?
SALTers must be:
- Between 18 and 30 years old
- Unmarried with no dependents
- Canadian or U.S. citizens with primary residence within Canada or the U.S.
- Dedicated to nonviolent peacemaking
- Committed to a personal Christian faith
- Actively participating in a Christian community or church
An invitation to a SALT assignment also requires the successful completion of a criminal background check.

How to submit your application
STEP 1: Complete and submit the application form
Each fall, we begin to accept applications to the SALT program for an August start date. To be guaranteed consideration for the next cohort, submit your application by February 15. We will continue to accept applications from qualified individuals after this date, but cannot guarantee placement consideration as we start to secure specific assignments for applicants beginning in January. Therefore, get your application in early to increase your chance of being offered an assignment that excites you!
STEP 2: Make sure your references submit the forms
On your application, you will list contact information for a minimum of four references:
- One must be pastoral. Not necessarily a pastor, priest, etc., but a leader of a Christian community or group that can speak to your active involvement.
- One must be either an employer (work/volunteer) or academic reference.
- The last two references can be any personal, academic or employer contacts of your choice.
NOTE: Family members are not permitted to provide a reference.
We will send your references an online form to complete and ask that you follow up, encouraging them to respond to our questions promptly — we cannot begin securing a specific assignment for you until we receive all four completed references.
STEP 3: Confirming your eligibility
We’ll send you a confirmation once we receive all your references and determine whether you are eligible for the program.
STEP 4: Placement determination
Candidates apply to the SALT program and not a specific position. Once deemed eligible for MCC service, we will contact you to discuss your assignment preferences and hopes for your time on SALT. Together, we will decide which SALT position(s) to prioritize sharing your application materials for.
While also considering other candidates, MCC staff in countries responsible for the specific position(s) will then review your application materials and with the relevant local partner organization, determine which candidates they wish to interview. Interviews are conducted virtually and a great opportunity to meet the MCC staff to learn more about the assignment and context.
After the interview(s), the local partner organization makes the ultimate decision regarding the candidate they wish us to offer their assignment to. If you are the successful candidate, we will email you a formal offer for the position. If a different candidate is selected, we will continue to work with you to be considered for other relevant assignments.
5. Decision
After formally offering you a position, we give you some additional time to prayerfully discern with your friends and family whether to formally accept the invitation.
If you decline the offer, we will do our best to find you a better fit.
However, we cannot guarantee you will receive another invitation to a different position.
We’re here to help!
If you have any questions about the application process or are unsure where to send your application, please contact MCC.
The online application process for SALT 2025-2026 is now open.
SALT participant testimony
Apply for SALT today
If you're between the ages of 18-30, the SALT program might be the epic adventure you've been waiting for.
Check it out!
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