World Refugee Day

Imagine having your predictable daily routine disrupted by bombs and gunfire and losing all sense of control and safety for your family. Imagine going to bed hungry, worrying about where your next meal will come from or if your water supply is safe for your children to drink. Imagine not having a community of like-minded people to feel connected to.
This is the experience of millions of refugees around the world.
We invite you to pray, not only for those suffering around the world but for guidance as to how you can help the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger — the refugee — through hospitality and hope. We invite you to be inspired through worship, as worship has the power to transform us into God’s likeness and stir up a desire to help others.
June 20 is World Refugee Day and we have a free digital booklet available to help you start planning a worship service on the theme of refugees and hospitality. It contains a variety of resources to assist you in planning a meaningful time of worship for your congregation as well as information about the history of World Refugee Day and stories of families who have come to Canada and the groups who brought them here.
To get this valuable resource, simply sign up with your email address below.