Training Active Bystanders

As any bystander witnessing a potentially harmful situation knows, discerning how to move from passive observation to effective action is not easy. Training Active Bystanders (TAB) equips participants with the tools they need to prevent harm-doing and contribute to a healthier community.

Thursday, November 07
1:30 - 4:00PM EST

Community Meeting Room
50 Kent Ave.
Kitchener ON N2G 3R1

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A flipchart stands in the foreground with people chatting in the background. A flipchart stands in the foreground with people chatting in the background.

Active Bystander Training provides participants the opportunity to see themselves as potential Active Bystanders who can intervene when they are witness to abusive, isolating or stigmatizing behaviour. The training teaches them about pro-social behaviour, making them more aware of why they may be hesitant to intervene and encourages them to consider taking action in the future. The program focuses on behaviours relating to interpersonal violence (such as abuse, bullying/hazing, physical violence, dating/relationship violence, and sexual violence) and signs of loneliness or emotional distress.

From a community perspective, priming (Active) Bystanders to intervene when they see problematic situations can improve feelings of individual ability and effectiveness and encourages caring and support for others. Bystander Intervention Training provides an impetus for personal action and helps potential Active Bystanders to envision how they can be a part of improving our community in an everyday way.

Please note that this event is in-person only and is suitable for individuals over the age of 13.

Cost: $25
